This is from the reader's comments on
an article on Afghanistan....
  I lived in the Soviet Union (Ukraine) during the war with Afghanistan 20 years ago. A relative and a friend of mine died there. The war lasted 10 years, so the whole my generation has some knowledge of it, as guys who returned home all were telling war stories...What I understood, a couple of first years the soldiers devided the Afghani into insurgents and civilians, exactly like Brits do now. Sweetes to the kids and so on... Then they stopped. It costed them too many lives. They realized there were NO CIVILIANS there. Everybody , even kids, who smile to you now, may shoot at your back after you turn around. A friendly shepherd with sheeps at day turns into a merciless militant with an assault rifle at night... Many many paid their lives for these mistakes....Maybe this knowledge may be of any help to the British now, who have not been there for so long yet?
  Stan, UK citizen, originally from Ukraine
  on November 06, 2009 at 10:39 PM
  Thank you for putting the media and western concept of civilian into perspective, Stan.
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