Sarawack River and the town of Kuchin. (Borneo)
A letter by James Brooke
To John Cruikshank in c. 1837:
. .For my temperament and mode of thinking, there is nothing which makes prolonged life desirable, and, I would fain be doing something to add to the amount of happiness, especially in the way of life suited to my wild habits, wild education and ardent love for an undue degree of personal freedom . . . Could I carry my vessel to places where the keel of European ship never before ploughed the waters - could I plant my foot where white man's foot never before had been - could I gaze upon scenes which educated eyes never have looked on - see man in the rudest state of nature - I should be content without looking for further reward. I can, indeed, say truly that I have no object of personal ambition, no craving for personal reward: these things sometimes flow attendant on worthy deeds or bold enterprises, but they are at best but consequences, not principle objects.
A motivation for the sharing of the education we have? Notes from the rajah of Sarawak and ruler of the Dayaks, and a demonstration of the influence that was made by some of the earlier colonists of the British Empire. Written by the forlorn love of Angela Burdett-Coutts and a seigneural influence on the South China Sea.